Admission to The College of Maasin is open to all students who meet the specific standard requirements. The College of Maasin welcomes qualified applicants with good moral character, single, married, regardless of sex, age, religious affiliation or ethnic group and nationality.
There are two categories of students admitted to The College of Maasin, namely: New students and Transferees.
a. New Students are those who enter for the first time as First year in College after graduating from high school. If a high school graduate defers his/ her enrolment for a period of time, then decides to enroll in the college following term, he/ she is still considered as a new student.
b. Transferees are those who have already enrolled in other tertiary institutions including technical and vocational schools regulated by TESDA and are transferring to The College of Maasin.
Original copy of F-138/ Report Card with the Final Grades, duly signed by the Principal or Registrar and with the notation “Eligible for Admission to College”, as fresh entrants to college.
College students coming from other schools or universities should present the following:
Certificate of Eligibility for Transfer and/ or Admission – this is also referred to as the Certificate of Transfer or Honorable Dismissal od Granted Transfer Credentials. This is a compulsory requirement that certifies, among others, that the student is free from all financial and other accountabilities in the previous school. The Certificate of Eligibility for Transfer and/ or Admission, which is issued only once, comes with a tear-off portion or return slip that is sent back to the originating school should forward the Official Transcript of Records (OTR) marked as “Copy for ________”. As a rule, the OTR is issued only once.
1.b.2. College Grades - This is usually in the form of True Copy of Grades. By convention, the true copy of grades is accepted for evaluation purposes only and not for formal transfer.
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Principal and/ or Recommendation Letter from Guidance Counselor, if applicable.
3. Application Form, duly accomplished.
4. Original or certified true copy of Birth Certificate – issued authenticated by the NSO
5. A statement of Good Moral character signed by the College Dean/ Registrar. (Transferees)
6. Medical certificate from the school physician
7. 2 pcs. 2x2 ID pictures
Students who did not graduate from high school but would still like to obtain a college enrollment can take the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) or Alternative Learning System (ALS) given by the National Educational Testing and Research Center and Department of Education. Once certified as having met the basic requirements for Fourth Year High School and the form 137 from the last school he/she attended. This form 137 can take the place of then high school F-138/ Report card together with the Certificate of Rating which should be authenticated by the Office of the Department of Education.
Generally, the college graduates applying for admission for a second degree where first degree earned from another tertiary institution are subject to the same requirements for transferees. The general practice of the school is to credit all general education subjects but each department is given the authority to decide on what subjects to be credited. Applicants are required to take the major subjects including the institutional subjects required such as Religion and others.
1. JURIS DOCTOR – The applicant must be a graduate of a bachelor’s degree and must have earned eighteen (18) units of English, six (6) units of Mathematics and eighteen (18) units of Social Science subjects.
2. MPA – The applicant must be a graduate of bachelor’s degree and must have earned eighteen (18) units in English and six (6) units of Mathematics subjects.
Continuing students are those enrolled in the College in previous semesters and those who have stopped but were not enrolled in another school. If in any one semester or summer session a student fails in sixty percent (60%) of the units for which he/she is registered, he/she should not re-enroll in the same program without the approval of the College Dean. If the student fails the second time, he/she may enroll in another program if accepted by the Dean of the College concerned. If the student fails the third time, he/she shall be disqualified from enrolling in the College. A Department may, however, prescribe its own retention policy.